In Acholi Inn I di
Then I saw Mark. At that time of course I did not know if was Mark but there. It turned out Mark was a journalist and the
The next morning I went down to breakfast resolved to keep calling the PPS until I get somewhere. At breakfast I met Raphael who turned out to be the flag bearer for NRM, the Presidential Party, for Arua. Flag bearer is another name for a MP candidate. The expression comes from th
As the secretary was not picking up, I resolved to got to Acholi Inn again to try my luck the second time. I did not find the secretary there but I did find Mark again. The hotel was bustling with activity, people in yellow T-shirts (Museveni’s colour) were ubiquitous and the whole place teemed with laughter. Everyone was shaking-hands with everyone, laughing, discussing, and most of all shouting into their mobile phones. As I was waiting for the secretary to leave her room (I managed to get the number of it by cunning from the concierge), I was approached by Raphael who had also come to Acholi Inn. Upon hearing of my difficulties he said that I should not worry he will try to get it arranged but we better stop calling and try to get the President in the Barracks. Before I knew it I was being rushed to the flag bearer’s car and I only had time to sway past Mark’s table and ask him if he wants to join me in the chase. The look of astonishment of his face was priceless. But as a real journalist he just packed his bag and followed.
We drove to the barracks. Despite the fact that Raphael obviously was someone to be reckoned with in the party we had a very long wait at the gate. That was military territory and Ugandan military are their own masters. Finally we managed to get through the first gate. The second gate turned out to be even harder to force. Finally a man called Amos went out, took mine and Mark’s details and told us to wait in the canteen. We bought sodas and sat under a tree, both still overwhelmed by the pace and surrealism of the situation. After a while of waiting we rose to talk to soldiers who were lounging under another tree. I was hoping to learn some military secrets but unfortunately their English was not good enough for any indiscreetness. But I made friends with Major Peter, which resulted in a lovely photo opp – unfortunately, now still in Mark’s possession.
After some forty minutes wait we were summoned to the gate again where we met Amos. He told us that the president was in meetings all this time and now is rushing to the rally so we cannot see him at that time. But he has enrolled us onto the rally coverage team and we can now attend the rallies as press so maybe there will be a chance in the evening or the next day. We had no other choice but to leave the Barracks. Mark went back to Acholi Inn and I decided to
As we were sitting in the restaurant ‘garden’ the rally started. A horde of yellow decorated boda-bodas honking their horns drove slowly through town. After them proceeded the orchestra, break-dancers and acrobats, who would stop at ever junction to perform. Then the crowd of supporters, sporting Museveni’s yellow Unity and Stability T-shirts. There were some three hundred people in the procession, most of them probably paid to turn up. They marched through town, chanted and danced. The streets were full of people but there was no universal merriment, more of a pensive observation and anticipation. Only children seemed to be having fun. At first I followed the crowd, taking pictures, filming and observing but then I figured I better head to the rally ground to get a good position. I caught a glimpse of Mark taking pictures, we waved but then were separated by the crowd.
The Kaunda Grounds where the Rally took place was already packed with people. There was strict security and no one was allowed to bring in cameras or take pictures. Naturally, I protested. I wanted not only to be admitted and allowed to keep my camera but also to get a good position from which to record. Without any official document to confirm my status it was not an easy task, the security around the president does not yield readily to intimidation. I have to admit that I banked on being able to just bluff my way through. I do not want to bore the readers with lengthy descriptions of negotiations, quarrels, running to and fro, waiting, calling, checking and consulting that followed. On the one hand, I was quite impressed with their diligence, on the other dismayed by the lack of communications resulting in repeated checks and enquiries. My bluffing and self-assured pose would have been quite futile if it wasn’t for the last minute arrival of some piece of paper from Amos with my accreditation on it. With my newly acquired air of legitimacy, I rushed straight onto the most elevated position on the stage from which I had a great v
In the evening I met up with Mark, who congratulated me on my feat. He gave up trying to get into the rally after the security told him he has to leave his camera but he saw me on the stage from the distance. We called Amos and tried to press him for the interview but he said the chances were slim. Figuring we are not going to get one this evening anyway, we went to play pool in town and then parted for the night, vowing to continue our chase the very next day. After all, we did get close.
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